We are your boots on the ground and voice in the street! With promotional events & strategic local marketing, let us spread your brand awareness and wave your banner high!
Local Marketing
Local marketing—also referred to as local store marketing or neighborhood marketing—specifically targets the community around a physical store or restaurant. Promotional messages are directed to the local population, rather than the mass market (See also Community Marketing).
In practice, local marketing can take several forms. Many local businesses directly contact consumers through mail, in-town events, local team sponsorships, or advertisements in the town paper. Hoping to not only attract new customers but to drive repeat business, a successful local marketing push allows a store to stake out a significant presence in local consumers’ mental maps of their communities.
Promotional Events
Event promotion consists of all of the different marketing strategies used to get the word out about your event and thus to drive event attendance. This can range from email to social media to flyer handouts. Any marketing tactic that is used specifically to bring awareness to your event is known as event promotion.
EMILY: Revolutionary Marketing Group Packages may include:
Boots on the ground marketing in your local market
Public relations and community awareness
Professional photography for products and onsite businesses
Promotional event planning (additional pricing available)
All clients become a "Featured Business" in a locally established community online forum: Newberry Now
Word of mouth exposure with local influencers